Amelia Lawrence, Duke University
Amelia Lawrence
Duke University
I am a fifth year PhD student at Duke University. I am broadly interested in evolutionary genetics. I work on complex trait genetics in Seep Monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus). My dissertation research is on the convergent evolution of serpentine soil tolerance across several species of Mimulus. I employ several different methods for finding and characterizing the genes underling serpentine tolerance including, classic genetic mapping, evolve & resequence experiments and population genetic scans.
Research interests: evolutionary genetics, genetics of adaptation, population genetics

Exploring the Genomic Landscape of Local Adaptation in Serpentine Mimulus guttatus
Department of Biology, Duke University French Family Science Center, Science Dr. Durham, NC 27708

Local adaptation arises when spatially divergent selection outpaces migration rates between habitats. Population-genomic scans often reveal candidate genes for local adaptation but struggle to quantify selection strength. Serpentine outcrops are ideal for studying local adaptation because their patchy distribution results in landscapes with abrupt changes from “normal soils” to serpentine. Serpentine soils are unconducive to most plant life due to low Ca:Mg ratios, limited macronutrients, and elevated heavy metals.

Reciprocal transplant experiments in model system Mimulus guttatus reveal extreme local adaptation to serpentine. Population genomic scans of pairs of adjacent serpentine and non-serpentine populations have identified dozens of candidate genes under divergent selection. What are the relative fitness contributions of these genes? I marry a classic mapping experiment with an Evolve & Resequence approach to estimate fitness effects of each loci. I crossed two inbred lines, from adjacent serpentine and non-serpentine habitats, to form F2 progeny. I planted thousands of progeny on serpentine and control soils in the greenhouse, using captive bumblebees to ensure outcrossing. Survivor seeds, planted on parental soils, enable multi-generational adaptation. Pool-sequencing of each population detects loci responding to divergent selection, revealing key loci driving local adaptation to serpentine soil.

My Sessions
Exploring the Genomic Landscape of Local Adaptation in Serpentine Mimulus guttatus
Presentation Bio Sci 111